I've spent most of my free time over the last two weeks of my life thinking about what to get everyone else in my life. That, of course, means that I didn't have much of an idea before today what I wanted for Christmas. The good news, and let me take a moment to brag, is that my holiday shopping is finished, wrapped and tagged. It's a little sick, but now I get to focus on what I want and - gasp! - enjoy the season. And so, as requested by a dear reader, my wish list. This all feels so very Oprah...

1. A cashmere sweater from the Gap, which are selling for a decent price, I must say.
2. I've been envious of every woman I've seen wearing the necklace at left, or any of its ilk, for some time, and I want one of my own. Besides, everything is better if it comes in a Blue Box.
3. A case of Vitamin Water in each of the following flavors: Power, Energy and Defense. I've given up soda, so I've turned to the sweet, nutrient-rich, hydrating power of Vitamin Water. It's not overly sweet, however, so when I taste soda once in a blue moon, it's overpowering. It's good to wean yourself off of sugary drinks.

4. The Coach bag at right. Not only is it completely sexy, but it's perfect for travelling to London this January, with the extra pockets. Besides, you might be able to get some of the greatest knockoffs in Chinatown, but I hear they'll confiscate them in the UK. At a cool $400 I might not be carrying this on the plane...but hey, this is a
wish list.
5. A nice digital camera. There's no sense in going to Europe with a second-rate camera, especially for a photo-album freak like me. I love making scrapbooks of my adventures abroad, so a good camera would really enhance my enjoyment.

6. A girly, feathery pen to use at work. I work in a stuffy office, so I have to do something to liven the place up.
7. Polo Black. This one isn't for me so much as for me to smell and my boyfriend to own. I smelled this in a magazine the other day and I had to be picked up off the floor. I mean, this stuff smells
good.8. A donation to the
Association for Retarded Citizens. This is a cause particularly close to my heart, especially for the good of my little brother, who has autism.
9. Soul Calibur 3. This game looks so hot I can't handle it. I saw a demo in a store and started drooling. This looks like a good one for people like me who cut her video game teeth

on Xianghua.
10. A teacup maltese. I know this one is utterly ridiculous, since my apartment doesn't allow dogs, and I already have a cat, but these dogs are so cute I don't know what to do with myself.
And of course world peace would be nice, but you can't get that at the mall. Happy Holidays to all of you!