Scarf it up!

I love the idea of wearing a scarf, and have received gifts of beautiful European scarves, but don't have a clue how to wear them! Can you help? I need tips on how to wear a scarf without looking like my grandmother!
It may be the middle of July, but that doesn't mean that scarves must be packed in moth balls until the winter months roll around. The latest trend in scarves are made of gauzy, silky and breezy materials, inviting themselves to dance around your head, neck, waist, wrists, and even around your favorite handbag.
Scarf by Ralph Lauren.
Photo courtesy of

The scarf is the most versatile around the neck, and can be worn in many different ways. Because of the heat, scarves should be kept loose and flowy. To trend-ify an ensemble, loop a long scarf around the neck, allowing it to float freely in front. You can also wrap a long scarf from the front of your neck, tying it in a loose knot behind your neck, and allowing it to dangle down your back. Or try a short scarf tied in a knot and positioned to the side, like the one pictured above in the Ralph Lauren runway show.

Scarves can also be worn in unconventional ways. Twist a short scarf a couple of times around your wrist and knot into a cool bracelet. Knot a scarf around the base of your handbag strap to transform a boring bag.
The most important piece of advice is to be creative! As we affirm over and over again, a true Fashionista takes fashion risks and defines her style all on her own!
Photos hyperlinked to online vendor.
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