Product Review: Max Factor Pan-Cake Water-Activated Foundation
The pros: What it promises, it delivers. It is versatile and lets you control your coverage. The finish is matte (so much so that you barely need powder), smooth, flawless, professional, and fairly light on your skin. It is water-based instead of oil-based, making it great for people with oily skin prone to breakouts. This is the perfect foundation for every day wear.
The cons: It is difficult to know how to apply it. There are no directions on the packaging or the website other than "Apply with a damp sponge." Unfortunately, if you go too damp, you end up with a streaky face, and if you go "not damp enough," you end up with little or no product on your sponge.
A few tips: Take your time with this one and blend, blend, blend. Blend all the way down to your neck, of course. Take special care around the hairline, the corners of the eyes and mouth, underneath the nose and around the nostrils. Start of with a slightly damp, clean sponge and rub it against the product. Immediately apply to the face, starting with the middle of your face and working outward. If you need more product, you may need to dampen the sponge again. If you end up with a dramatic smudge on your face, just add more water to your sponge and wipe it away, and for pete's sake, keep blending till the cow's come home!
You can get this at Wal-mart, most drugstores, and for about $7.00.
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