Product Review: Tutti Dolci Bath and Body
Finding the right scent was a personal mission for me. I sampled Jessica Simpson's Dessert line, and I didn't like it. It was too cloying. But I really wanted a luxurious body lotion. The Body Shop's Body Butters came close, but none of them had quite the scent I wanted.

I had almost given up hope when I stumbled, quite by accident, across Tutti Dolci. Available at Bath and Body Works, it's a line so indulgent I was sure that putting it on my body alone would cost me calories! I tried several flavors before settling on Sugar Wafer, pictured at right. I bought the scrub as well as the body souffle. I use the scrub in the shower. Since it's quite oily (in a very pleasant way), I've used it to shave my legs. My skin doesn't react well to shaving, and I find that the scrub leaves the legs much smoother than shampoo or even hair conditioner, my previous favorite choice for shaving. Call me weird if you want--I do what works.

Anyway, back to business. The body souffle, as I already mentioned, is QUITE decadent. It leaves your skin feeling pampered, and the scent I chose, Sugar Wafer, is sweet without being too cloying.
Maven's verdict: If you love indulgent, rich scents, Tutti Dolci is right for you! It's well worth the price and a must for any pampered princess!
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