Now that the midseason is a couple of weeks old, the networks have once again guillotined a few of their less-promising shows, whether we like it or not. However, there are always some good axes with the bad, so let's see what we'll have to cry about and what we can celebrate.

I'm personally thrilled that the nauseating Pam Anderson vehicle
Stacked is most likely on it's last legs. It's being moved to Thursdays at 9:30 after the struggling
That 70s Show, so we're probably not going to see it ever again. And thank God for that. An entire show built around Pam's breasts has, ironically, very little material to work with. I can't believe they got Christopher Lloyd to be on it - in fact, I think he's a producer. We'll just shake our heads and move on. Also on the chopping block was ABC's
Emily's Reasons Why Not, which was the new Heather Graham show that I'm sure struggled because no one had heard of it. It wasn't very well marketed. Obviously ABC has their hands full with their generational smash hits
Lost and
Desperate Housewives. They're making so much money off those shows they could probably put monkey olympics in the other slots and still come out on top. Of course, I don't find Heather Graham to be a strong enough actress to carry off a lead role on her own, especially not on a weekly program. Go back to acting school, Heather. I don't care
how good
Boogie Nights was. ABC need not worry about the monkey olympics, because it has other great contenders in shows like
Grey's Anatomy, which will of course be back for another run.

For those of you who were looking for the super good news, your prayers have been answered. It looks like there are not one, but two networks vying for the airing of
Arrested Development. It's currently between Showtime and NBC, and I hope NBC gets it for two reasons. 1) If it gets a really successful run out of
Arrested Development it might finally give
Joey the ax, although I'm sure buying out his contract will cost them. 2) I don't get Showtime. Besides, if the show did run on Showtime, there would be no taboo subject, and I think that's part of what makes the show great - it pushes boundaries. If there are no boundaries, there is no show. The end of AD's stay at the Fox network annoys me to no end. It's as if the network
wants to be the drunken uncle of the network family. They just can't do good television. They're giving AD a sendoff it deserves, with a four-episode blowout, but in their unmitigating gall they're putting it up against the opening ceremonies of the winter olympics. What's the point? Just put it on DVD and we'll do the rest.
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