The Hottest Drama at Hollywood High

Oh, I guess that didn't happen. Just goes to show you, no matter how perfect you think a couple of celebrities are for each other, it's no guarantee that one of them isn't going to lose their freakin minds one day and cheat on their wives. I guess there's no understanding people. And that is where I have found myself with Brad Pitt. Angry, could you do this to me, Brad? More curiously, how could you do this to yourself? You are married to a gorgeous, successful woman who obviously loves you and you ruin it. Plus, you cheated on a modern-day blonde bombshell. What's with you? Why go out for burgers when you've got steak at home?
Our official position at Las F is that we are firmly on Jennifer's side. She is such a sweetheart, and we are glad to see that she is recovering well from this undeserved heartbreak and making nice with Vince Vaughan - even if it's not a romantic link. You live your life, girl! And don't even pay any attention to what Gwyneth said about you. She's just jealous because the fame resulting from naming her child Apple has died down and she a mere housewife now.

I used to truly love Brad. Let's face it, he's been a Hottie McFabulous since he first hit the scene in Thelma and Louise. But now our love affair is over. I wouldn't marry Brad Pitt if he begged me now. There is nothing sexy about a philandering liar. I can't even enjoy Angelina Jolie so much anymore. Even if there was nothing between her and Brad, which it's pretty obvious that there is, she is clearly lacking in some kind of sensitivity to a fellow woman. Take a look at the photo shoot she participated in for W Magazine. And that's just one photo from a litany of insensitivity. How mean can two people be? Girls, you know the dating rules. There is a refractory period that you must respect when pouncing all over some other gal's guy, and Angie didn't respect that. Even though she was completely sexy in Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
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