For the past year and a half, our goal at Las Fashionistas was to provide you real-life fashion and beauty advice, with a little celebrity snark and social commentary thrown in for good measure. As the four of us begin new chapters of life, we collectively realized that we no longer have the time to maintain the site and grant it (and you) the attention it deserves. Therefore, as of today, Las Fashionistas will officially close shop. We plan to allow the site to float freely in cyberspace because it holds a wealth of knowledge, and maybe even more importantly, it is our unique thumbprint on the world wide web.
The Las Fashionistas would like to thank the following people:
- KT from Sparkledesign, who created the template for this lovely blog. We are four of her biggest fans! Visit her site HERE and checkout her talents!
- Wayward celebs who not only supplied us with an abundance of apalling behavior, but a plethora of mismatched, ill-fitted, and unseemly clothing and accessories.
- Classy celebs exhibiting grace and poise, in turn, worthy of our praise.
- The endless resource that is the WWW, providing the Las F. team with photos, references, and ideas.
- Lastly, our readers. We can not imagine Las Fashionistas without you. Thank you for your faithful readership.
Please read our personal goodbyes below:
From F. Seattle: Working on this site has been a wonderful experience--one I won't forget. Without a lot of girlfriends nearby interested in fashion, this site was a great place to be creative, write in an intelligent way about style, and just be a part of a community of friends. Ultimately, this site and the other fashionistas reminded me daily that you can be fabulous at any size and any budget--because you are you.
My life is getting turned on its head right now: the hubby and I are trying to get pregnant, we're both moving on from our jobs, and we're not even sure if we are staying in the Seattle area for much longer. I'll miss this site and all you wonderful folks who made it a success!
F. Seattle
From F. Nashville: A little over a year ago, I lost my blog virginity. Writing has always been a passion of mine, but because it is also my profession, I lost the desire and my creativity stalled. When F. Cali visited my personal blog last April and asked me to write for Las F., I could not have been more honored. I had been reading Las F. for several months, and was ecstatic at the opportunity to combine two of my loves: writing and fashion/beauty. My experience with Las F. has been nothing but positive. I met three wonderful, inspiring women that have become kindred spirits of mine. I watched as all of you strong women voiced your opinions, celebrating your diversity. I am very proud of Las Fashionistas, and will file it away as a cherished success.
In a couple of months, I am going back to school to earn an MBA, and assuming everything works out as planned, I'll also start a new job. Later this year, I'm going to Africa to serve the homeless, teach women skills to become self-sufficient, and to help educate about the prevention of HIV/AIDS. The year 2007 will be a busy one for me, but I'm very excited as the Lord unfolds His plan for my life. I encourage you to always remember how wonderfully unique and fabulous you truly are. I bid you adieu. Thank you for reading.
F. Nashville
From F. Cali: F. Jersey and I started this site as a diversion, to amuse ourselves. We never dreamed that we'd meet so many great, strong women (and a few men too!) through the whole thing. I've always loved fashion for real women, and I've always firmly believed that each and every woman is beautiful in her own unique way. What I wanted so much to achieve with this site was to help you all see that and figure out how to achieve your own special beauty, regardless of what skinny models or voluptuous actresses wear. Never forget that you are the way you are for a reason! Embrace who you are and accept it.
As the face of the Internet has changed and blogs have gained more notoriety, I've thought long and hard about where Las F. might fit. I realized that in order to make this blog really successful, it would require more time--and I was barely finding time to write a post week after week. This January I began work on a Master's degree in Vocal Performance, which has taken up a lot of my free time. I'm also teaching choir, I'm married with a dog, and I have numerous family and friend committments which are too important to sacrifice for the website. I will miss you all and the girly outlet this has provided in my life.
From F.Jersey: This was a tough post to write for, perhaps the toughest. I don't do the goodbye thing very well, so I'll just say that I've had a lot of fun, I've learned a lot, and the site has been a fantastic creative outlet. Not only that, but I've been enriched by the other three Fashionistas immesurably, as well as the readers who have expressed their opinions.
As you all know I'll be getting married later this year, which has proved to be enough of a challenge in its own right, but add to that a few family illnesses and it's become a maelstrom of activity. Outside of putting out these fires, I have absolutely no plans, and I intend to keep it that way. I like to let life come at me as it will, but you can be sure there will be multiple trips to Europe and Asia, a continuation of a plan to attend law school, and relocating with my new husband. Good luck to you all, and never let your journey to look and feel good cease!