Grade-school gaffes fade away over time, but "Twinkie Twin" faux pas in adulthood can be hard to live down. In recent months, women like Reese Witherspoon and Jessica Biel have been criticized harshly for showing up at red carpet events in previously worn gowns. And during the holiday season, our own First Lady found herself in a clone-like situation, with not one, not two, but three other women wearing her Oscar de la Renta creation, all present at the same event.
So what's a gal to do when she finds herself in a situation such as this?
Twinkie Tip #1: Respond with humor.
Chances are, laughter is not the natural reaction elicited upon finding out that some other girl at the party is wearing the same fuschia sweater as you. Emotions such as anger, resentment and panic, come to mind. But do you really want to be that girl? You can choose to have a very public meltdown, ensuring that every male will remain far, far away from you the rest of the evening, or, you can laugh it off with a smile. Even if you have to pretend, this is the best of the two options.
Twinkie Tip #2: Take it as a compliment.
After the initial shock wears off, realize that you must be stylin' for someone else to choose to wear the same thing. Afterall, don't they say "great minds think alike"?
Twinkie Tip #3: Practice damage control.
If you find yourself in a "Twinkie Twin" situation and you've got the option to change clothes, then go for it. But I warn you--if you are the one that changes, you're not only making a statement about your sour attitude, but also your lack of confidence. I stress that you should only change clothes if it's convenient for you to do so, and you have some other fabulous frock waiting in the wings.
Twinkie Tip #4: Practice preventative maintenance.
While it's always fun to let your outfit speak for itself, sometimes shoes or accessories can make the ensemble. If in case another gal shows up looking like you, you can at least differentiate yourself with your chic jewelry.
Photos courtesy of SFF and CBS.
Twinkie Tip #1: Respond with humor.
Chances are, laughter is not the natural reaction elicited upon finding out that some other girl at the party is wearing the same fuschia sweater as you. Emotions such as anger, resentment and panic, come to mind. But do you really want to be that girl? You can choose to have a very public meltdown, ensuring that every male will remain far, far away from you the rest of the evening, or, you can laugh it off with a smile. Even if you have to pretend, this is the best of the two options.
Twinkie Tip #2: Take it as a compliment.
After the initial shock wears off, realize that you must be stylin' for someone else to choose to wear the same thing. Afterall, don't they say "great minds think alike"?
Twinkie Tip #3: Practice damage control.
If you find yourself in a "Twinkie Twin" situation and you've got the option to change clothes, then go for it. But I warn you--if you are the one that changes, you're not only making a statement about your sour attitude, but also your lack of confidence. I stress that you should only change clothes if it's convenient for you to do so, and you have some other fabulous frock waiting in the wings.
Twinkie Tip #4: Practice preventative maintenance.
While it's always fun to let your outfit speak for itself, sometimes shoes or accessories can make the ensemble. If in case another gal shows up looking like you, you can at least differentiate yourself with your chic jewelry.
Photos courtesy of SFF and CBS.