Last night, I'm at home minding my own business, indulging in my daily dose of Sex and the City. Carrie's latest quest for love cuts to a break, and all of a sudden, I'm bombarded with a commercial promoting your upcoming album. Your latest single, whatever it's called, blared in the background, but I was distracted by a cheesy montage of your likeness in compromising positions.
Now, I know what kind of pressure record companies put on aspiring female singers to be sexy in order to move the merchandise. But as a photo of your album cover popped up on my television, I stopped to wonder just what kind of goods you are really trying to sell.
Let's start with the boots. Maybe it's a hot, new trend in L.A., but the only women around Nashville sporting thigh-high patent leather boots, work the nightshift at the Brass Stables. Was your stylist aiming for "stripper chic?"
And while we're on the subject of the exotic arts, I see that you've mastered one of the textbook poses. I'm sure your mother is very proud, but my momma always taught me that a real lady keeps her knees together.
Kitty Kat, I think it's a shame that you're pimping out your body when you have a fabulous voice. Classy can mean sexy, but your album cover is just sexual. And I'm sensing a trend in some of your promo photos too...
Remember, Kitty Kat--no one will buy the cow if they can get the milk for free. Best of luck in your quest for credibility!
F. Nashville
Photos courtesy of and SFF.