If it is so hideous that you are counting the days until you can get it re-styled, there are a few tricks of the trade that will make your hair grow longer. One method is to do what Marsha Brady would do - 100 brushstrokes a day. This will stimulate the scalp and follicles, promoting quicker growth. If you're concerned with having no hair left to style after such a rigorous brushing regimen, I'd say you'd have to do it for a very long time to see any baldness effects. A short stint of frequent brushing won't do permanent damage. However, if it's already a concern, invest in a scalp massager. You can buy this one online at Amazon, or a local spa shop. It looks like a torture device, but it does wonders for stimulating the scalp and follicles, and from what I understand, also promotes thinning hair to grow in thicker. Although I don't have the scientific evidence for the stimulation phenomenon, a local stylist told me to notice that most people's hair grows faster in the summer. In the winter we're more likely to throw a hat over our hair, or tie it up in a bun. In the summer we tend to spend more time on our hair, promoting the scalp stimulation we're looking for.
If that doesn't help, just keep in mind that your hair is just one aspect of your look, and with panache and some well-placed product, you might be able to turn that strange hair cut into a phenomenal fashion trend.