I chuckled to myself when F.Seattle mentioned how she asked for things she needed for Christmas. I'm guilty of the same thing now that adulthood has set in. Every time a co-worker or friend asks what I'd like for Christmas, I say a big sack of money. Obviously that won't happen. Future Hubby is getting me a haircut for Christmas. A
haircut. Because I
asked for it. He offered me the world, but my practicality got in the way. I'll use this post to list the items I would have liked to ask for if I could just be a little more juvenile.

1. iPod auto hookup. Now that I have the Nano, and cannot live without it, I need a better (and legal) way of listening to it in my car. Why not go all out and install this DLO iPod dock? Not only will it give you a place to put the iPod other than the cup holder, and crank your tunes over your boss auto sound system, but it will also
charge it for you so that you can keep the music going once you step out. That's a device that does it all.
2. One tall nonfat chai latte per day. Delivered to my office in the morning, so I can wake up with that delicious spiced tea.

3. A red Razr. I admittedly already have the pink one, but so does
everyone else on the planet, it seems. So now the new object of my affection (which everyone else will soon obtain, I'm sure) is the red Razr. Not only is it a more stylish color, but it also sends some much-needed money to help respond to the AIDS crisis in Africa. Socially conscious and good looking? I'll take two.
4. A maid for a week. That's all I'd really need her for, but you can believe me I'd really work her for that week. She'd do all those little things that keep piling up that I never seem to get around to, like dusting the light fixtures. Hopefully she'd also be able to wrap presents, because I seriously stink at it, and I'll be embarassed on Christmas day, I'm sure.

5. A trip to Midway Island. I know what you're thinking, "Isn't that the island that was strategically important to the Allies in World War II?" Yes, but now there's so much more to offer, and tourism is really starting to pick up there. A beautiful tropical island getway would be great for the FH and I while the maid is hard at work back in New Jersey. Midway Island's best selling point: it's practically unheard of. You can enjoy a true week away from it all, without the tourist crush, and have some romantic, private moments that you will remember for a lifetime.