Dress by Moschino
Guidelines for wearing white:
Choose tailored pieces: Supposedly, there is a myth about the color white--you can only wear it, without looking like a cow, if you are size 2. So not true! Just make sure your clothing fits. Select items that flatter your body shape and are not overly bulky.
Experiment with attitude: White can be dressed up or dressed down easily. Today you can be the au naturel, girl-next-door in a breezy sundress, and tommorrow you can become a white-hot, man-eater in a sharply tailored suit.
Hide your skivvies: What's worse than VPL (visible panty line)? The panty peek. No one wants to see your pantalones and white clothing is notorious for breaking this fashion law. Because white undergarments appear loud and proud under white clothing, wear undergarments in a flesh color that closely matches your skin tone. I made this discovery by accident in college and my life hasn't been the same since!
Seperate your whites: Mom was right, afterall. To keep your white frocks sparkling, doublecheck and make sure that red pair of pants isn't stowing away in your laundry load! There's nothing worse than a dingy, wanna-be white...
Always be prepared: I'm the girl that drops food on her at every meal, inevitably when I'm wearing a new white shirt. Yep, that's me. As a result, I've learned to arm myself with appropriate stain-fighting weapons. Shout Wipes Plus and a Tide Pen are a gal's best friend!
Just say no to scuffs: Obviously, black asphalt and grass stains are waiting to taint your pristine white heels, so make an extra effort to pick up your feet when you walk. It sounds elementary, my Dear Watson, but you'd be surprised at how much you actually shuffle your feet in laziness when you walk.
Signal the beginning of your summer with clean, pretty and classic whites!
All photos are hyperlinked to online vendors