Hi Y'all!
As Las Fashionistas continues to blossom in readership and popularity, the demand for more frequent posting also grows. Las F recently asked me to bear arms in the fashion crusade, offering up savvy opinions care of the deep south, by way of Nashville.
Because of the heat, humidity and a laid-back lifestyle, a southern Fashionista realizes the importance of natural and comfortable allure, but still makes allowances for proud and extravagant trends. We make no apologies for our deep-rooted tradition and charm, while welcoming progressive advances in couture.
The southern states are not void of the glitterati, and both glamorous garb and fashion faux pas abound. Blame it on manners, but criticism of a horrendous outfit or atrocious behavior is met with a sugary, yet tongue in cheek, "Bless his/her heart!"
I'm ecstatic to be part of the Las Fashionistas team and am looking forward to passing along information collected from personal experience and conducting research in the name of beauty. But as any southern belle can tell you, the most important accessory one can have is a smile. That is one trend that never goes out of style.
F. Nashville