...but I love Natalie Portman. Such lovely bone structure. Such pretty eyes. Such a feminine, interesting face. With her hair this short, she seems to be channeling one of the ultimate fashionistas, Audrey Hepburn.
In spite of her sometimes-wooden acting, the lady really is quite elegant. Besides, you really can't talk bad about Luke and Leia's momma, right? And she doesn't seem to take herself too seriously, as evidenced by her latest stint on SNL.
In spite of all this, I cannot bring myself to love this dress. The color and cut are beyond hideous; there is absolutely nothing flattering about it. It almost looks as if she borrowed a frock from the costume closet of the 1960's Star Trek series. I guess she has been in a few sci-fi flicks...
Solution: A dress in a softer fabric and a more flattering shade along with a fitted waistline and a more flattering, open neckline. But keep your hair pixie-short and your make-up simple, Natalie! I'm loving it!